in the field of business law: assessment of legal risks within the framework of due diligence; legal support of the activities of holding structures; support of liquidation, bankruptcy and reorganization procedures of business entities (including those complicated by criminal proceedings); legal support of the economic activities of companies in a single person («stand-alone»); participation in compliance procedures.
in the field of private international law: structuring of asset ownership in various jurisdictions; development of foreign economic contracts and support of cross-border transactions.
in the field of corporate law: preparation of documents and support of transactions with shares and equity shares of business entities; protection of interests in disputes related to management or participation in business entities; legal support of corporate reorganizations.
in the field of international tax law: restructuring of taxation of Russian business entities with the participation of foreign companies; consulting on international taxation and assessment of tax risks.
in the field of criminal law: defense in criminal cases in crimes in the field of economics (crimes against property; crimes in the field of economic activity – Articles 159, 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, including complicated by Articles 210 of the Criminal Code); providing legal protection and representation of the interests of principals in law enforcement agencies at all stages of criminal prosecution; consulting managers, members of societies, employees of organizations on issues related to criminal prosecution.
in the field of dispute resolution (litigation & arbitration): representation and protection of interests in pre-trial and judicial proceedings: in economic disputes related to the implementation of entrepreneurial and other economic activities (corporate disputes; tax disputes; contractual disputes); in criminal cases in economic crimes (crimes against property; crimes in the field of economic activities).
in the field of consulting: advising on the application of current legislation (including written opinions); development and examination of legally significant documents; participation in negotiations; implementation of other legal work close in nature to the duties of a legal adviser.
Basic information
15.09.2014. Established an advocate’s office, registration number No. 77/2-2001. 726 Kb.
11.01.2009. By Order of the Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow No. 04-a dated 11.01.2009, information was entered into the register of lawyers of the city of Moscow. Registry number 77/9398. 1,16 Mb.
26.09.2007. Established an advocate’s office, registration number No. 16/330. 180 Kb.
17.09.2007. By Order of the Department of the Federal Registration Service for the Republic of Tatarstan No. 2733 dated 12.09.2007, information was entered into the register of lawyers of the Republic of Tatarstan. Registration number 16/1383. 185 Kb.
29.08.2007. The Council of the Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Tatarstan has been awarded the status of an advocate.